There is a saying that he who wears the shoe knows where it pinches. The saying is very true in the case of Austin Okai who not only frequents home but also goes to his political grassroots to talk to the people.
Nobody is loved or hated for nothing. Whatever comes to a man is a direct mirroring of his own actions and approach to life.
While people are enjoying and making merry, Okai is moving through the dust, the cold and the hazards of the hinterlands to connect with the people of his home.
Story has it that Okai does not visit home without visiting as many people as possible. No matter what took him home or how busy his schedule is, he must pay a visit to the elders and the youths alike. Perhaps one of the reasons he has enjoyed so much affection from his people is that he gave affection to his own people first. In simple English, love begets love.
So it is in this holidays season that he is mixing with the youths and enjoying their company. They are enjoying his company too.
They clamour for him to come home often. And he honours their invitation.
This has proved one thing. The youths have decided to change the leadership narrative. They are tired of absentee leaders who are only seen once in a blue moon. They are tired of leaders who have turned themselves to demi gods and are now far above the electorates until the next four years when they come to share N4,000 or bowls of rice and salt. You never hear of constituency projects, and when you eventually get to hear of any, they make the people feel privileged.
The youths are desperately tired of being overlooked by their own people who they voted into power. They are communicating to their people through their body language that they know who they want. They know what they want and how they want it.
They want Okai, and they have repeatedly demonstrated it through direct advocacy, some have produced posters for him and have started campaigning for him, even though he has not spoken a word on it. They want him to represent the Dekina-Bassa federal constituency at the National Assembly.
I do not see the youths giving up that cause for anything. It is better for Okai to honour his people, particularly the youths.